Art Director: Annie Ng
In Chinese culture, there's a prevailing traditional belief that equates youth mental illness with a weak family. In short: mental illness = failure. But the reality is, on average, there is 1 youth suicide and 50 more attempts every 9 days in Hong Kong. For Mental Health Awareness Month, DoorDash will provide free dinner to families who book counseling sessions and mental health training with Mind HK, Hong Kong’s largest mental health organization.
Here’s how it works.
Students complete a free online counseling session with Mind HK, unlocking half of a QR code.
Parents watch an online course on youth mental health and sign a petition for the government to provide more youth mental health resources, unlocking the second half of the QR code
Dinner is served, along with guided conversation about mental health.
Food Packaging

Out of Home



DoorDash App
When a student opens DoorDash, a pop-up advertises the offer. When a QR code is scanned, the app interface switches to an old-fashioned, traditional Chinese menu design.

Direct Mail + Social Media Ads

Google Banner Ad
Appears when anyone searches key mental health terms/phrases like, "Why am I depressed?"

Instagram Page
After dinner, families can share their experience on MindHK's Instagram. This is a perfect opportunity for families to see others participating, and will help decrease the stigma surrounding mental health issues.

Limited-Edition Octopus Cards
Octopus cards are reusable stored-value cards used for all Hong Kong public transit. For Mental Health Awareness Month, the usual '8' is altered into a '9', representing the average 9 days between each youth suicide. Each time a user tops up their card, they're encouraged to donate HKD $5 to Mind HK to ensure a lasting impact.